Main object for this SAP-ERP rollout , is to make customer satisfaction , management fast decision for our ABG Group of Pulp and Fibre Business. To cater Business, we require one standard ERP application across Business , for which we VSF-Business and Corporate-IT joint taken decision to migrate all Units of VSF to SAP-ERP to standardized our practices and adopt best practices available with ready-made SAP-ERP System.
We have kick-off this Project on 3rd March'2009. and Project Go-Live on 1st July'2009,with implementation of 8 Modules - FI , CO,MM, PP, QM, SD, PM and IM+PS
Our main objective is :
- To support business in its vision of being world leader in man made cellulosic fiber by leveraging Information technology and implementing rejuvenated global best business processes across all the functions / disciplines.
- To build a business driven enterprise with information flow & infrastructure which is flexible, reliable, secured, user-friendly and cost effective.
- To enable all our stake-holders for better decision making by providing on-line data / information with required analysis.