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2024/2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015/2014/ 2013/ 2012/ 2011 /2010 / 2009

2024 : AGM for the year 2023
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2024 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2023 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report 2023 (56-1 ONE REPORT) (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Articles of Association of the Company relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors(English / Thai)
Guideline for attending the AGM through electronic media (E-AGM) and proxy appointment (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B
Proxy Form C
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the AGM 2024 (English / Thai)
Personal Data Protection Notice for the AGM 2024 (English / Thai)
Procedure of attending AGM for the year 2024 via electronic media (E-AGM)
2023 : AGM for the year 2023
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2023 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2023 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2023 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2023 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2022 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report 2023 (56-1 ONE REPORT) (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors(English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Articles of Association of the Company relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Guideline for attending the AGM through electronic media (E-AGM) and proxy appointment (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B
Proxy Form C
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the AGM 2023 (English / Thai)
Personal Data Protection Notice for the AGM 2023 (English / Thai)
Procedure of attending AGM for the year 2023 via electronic media (E-AGM)
2022 : AGM for the year 2022
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2022 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2022 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2022 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2021 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report 2022 (56-1 ONE REPORT) (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors(English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Articles of Association of the Company relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Guideline for attending the AGM through electronic media (E-AGM) and proxy appointment (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the AGM 2022 (English / Thai)
Personal Data Protection Notice for the AGM 2022 (English / Thai)  
Procedure of attending AGM for the year 2022 via electronic media (E-AGM)
2021 : AGM for the year 2021
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2021 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2021 (English / Thai)  
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2021 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2020 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2021 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Articles of Association of the Company relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Guideline for attending the AGM through electronic media (E-AGM) and proxy appointment (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  

Procedure of attending E-AGM for the year 2021 via E-AGM

Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the AGM 2021 (English / Thai)  

2020 : AGM for the year 2020
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2020 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2020 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2020 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2019 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2020 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting for 2020 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting for 2020  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting for 2020

2019 : AGM for the year 2019
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2019 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2019 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2019 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder no.1/2018 (English / Thai)
QR code for downloading Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2019 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting for 2019 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting English / Thai)
Proxy Form A
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting for 2019  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting for 2019  
2018 : EGM no.1/2018
Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder no.1/2018 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder no.1/2018 (English / Thai)
Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder no.1/2018 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for the year 2018 (English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the EGM no.1/2018 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Company's Article of Association relating to the Shareholders' Meeting English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Map of Venue of the Meeting  
Attendance of EGM no.1/2018  
2018 : AGM for the year 2018  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for 2018 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for 2018 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for the year 2018 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.24 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting for 2018 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English/ Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director  (English/ Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting for 2018  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting for 2018  
2017 : AGM for the year 2017  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for 2017 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for 2017 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder for the year 2017 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.24 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting for 2017 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English/ Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director  (English/ Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting for 2017  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting for 2017  
2016 : AGM no. 24  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.24 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.24 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.24 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.23 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting no.24 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English/ Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director   (English/ Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no.24  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no.24  
2015 : AGM no. 23  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.23 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.23(English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.23(English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.22 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors English / Thai)
Profiles and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting no.23 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English/ Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director   (English/ Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no.23  
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no.23  
2014 : AGM no. 22  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.22(English / Thai)
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.22 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.22 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.21 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English/ Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as Audit Committee and Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting no.22  (English/ Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no22
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no22
2013 : AGM no. 21  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no21 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no21(English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no21 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no20(English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting no. 21 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no21
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no21
2012 : AGM no. 20  
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no20(English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no20(English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no20 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.19 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting no. 20 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no20
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no20
2012 : AGM no. 19/2011  
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.19/2011 ( English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.19/2011
( English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.19/2011 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.18/2010 (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as Audit Committee members
( English / Thai)
Duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee (English / Thai)
Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting 2011 (English / Thai)
Definitions of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Request form for printed copy of Annual Report
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting no.19/2011
Attendance of Annual General Meeting no.19/2011


2011 : AGM no. 18/2010 
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.18/2010 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.18/2010 (English / Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.18/2010 (English / Thai)
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder no.17/2009 (English /Thai)
Profiles of the proposed persons to be elected as directors (English / Thai)
Information of Independent Director to act as a proxy in the Annual General Meeting (English / Thai)
Qualifications of Independent Directors (English / Thai)
Criteria and process for nomination of a Director (English / Thai)
Company’s Article of Association relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Map of the venue of Annual General Meeting  
Attendance of AGM no.18/2010  


2010 : AGM no. 17/2009 
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.17/2009 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.17/2009 (English /Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.17/2009 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.16/2008 (English / Thai)
Company's Article of Association relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Map of the AGM venue  
Attendance of AGM no.17/2009  
2009 : AGM no. 16/2008 
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.16/2008 (English / Thai)
Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.16/2008 (English /Thai)
Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.16/2008 (English / Thai)
Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders no.15/2007 (English / Thai)
Company's Article of Association relating to the Shareholders' Meeting (English / Thai)
Documents required to be presented for attending the Meeting (English / Thai)
Proxy Form A  
Proxy Form B  
Proxy Form C  
Map of the AGM venue  
Attendance of AGM no.16/2008  

Last Update : 22/07/2010

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